Pluralsight, Training for Serious Learners
Pluralsight is an online training web site offering courses in just about any kind of technology you can think of at all different experience levels. These courses are made by leaders in the community. Names that you’d recognize from popular commercial and open source development houses. They contain high quality content about technologies that are relevant today. So many new courses are added each week that I find I’m adding new courses faster than I can watch everything in my to do list. It’s a good problem to have.
When I first started using Pluralsight, their library focused on software development related topics from .NET and C# to iOS and Ruby on Rails. It was a complete library with new content all the time. Back in August of 2013, they made an announcement about their acquisition of TrainSignal, an online training web sight for more traditional IT-related topics like routing, virtualization and Microsoft system admin courses. These courses were immediately made available to all existing Pluralsight subscribers’¦at no additional cost. That’s a pretty sweet deal. A small monthly fee provides access to hundreds of IT and software development related courses. As much as you can stand with no limits.
Fast forward to April 2014 and they announce that they’ve acquired Digital-Tutors, an additional 1,500 courses geared toward creative professionals. Courses covering applications like Photoshop, 3DStudio Max, Maya, Unity, Red Giant tools and many others. And of course, these courses were immediately made available to current Pluralsight subscribers’¦at no additional cost!?!
This means that for the same small fee that I’ve been paying all along, I have access to almost unlimited technical training for software developers, IT admins and creative professionals.
If you’re serious about learning new technologies or diving deeper into your current area of focus, there’s no better place than Pluralsight.