Writing on NetSuite, software development, Stoicism, and life in general.

All of my long-form thoughts on NetSuite development, understanding Stoicism, amateur photography and anything else.

Book: The Way of Kings

The first book in a new epic fantasy series, called The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson.

Do you have a moment?

Using `moment.js` in your SuiteScript projects to make date manipulation a breeze

Book: Dust

Final chapter in a post-apocalyptic story of humans living in a underground silo more than a hundred floors deep.

Back Home Again

I haven't been getting home as often as I would like, but my son and I made the trip this summer, and it was really nice.

Happy in an Instant

Do we control our emotions? or do our emotions control us? What can we control? And what is outside of our sphere of influence?